Wazamae Library

“Wazamae Library” managements your time like a game.
This app can record the time that you invested in improvement of your skills. For example study for exam, study for certificate, practice instruments, and so on.
Focus on improvement of skills, we call above work unit “skill” in this app. “Wazamae” means skill, ability in Japanese.
Recorded time will be changed into EXP. This change rate is 1 second = 1 EXP. When you get enough EXP, you will get to next level—we call that “Level-up”—and this app give notice of Level-up like a game.
By recording the time that you invested in improvement of your skills, this app can support your time management and help checking of skills what you have.
EXP and Level-up
After finished settings, you can record the time that you invested in improvement of your skills like a stopwatch.
If you push save button, you can get EXP according to the time. For example, when your measured time is an hour (= 3,600 seconds), you can get 3,600 EXP.
When you get enough EXP, you will get to next level.
When you Level-up BGM will be played like a game, so improve yourself with enjoying.
You can see statistics of records.
Showing as bar chart, or line chart. You can see data per date, or per record.
And you can change showing range.
Below statistics screen, useful informations will be shown. For example, first recorded date, all time record time, and so on.
According to use of app, you can acquire badges.
For example, if you mastered 3 skills, you can acquire a copper badge. And more skills have been mastered, you will get silver, or gold badge.
There are hidden badges that will be hidden till you acquire that.
This app’s UI is an homage for old game screen.
Reference ——— You can refer to the application functions as a reference.
Use case examples
Use case examples ——— We introduce you use cases of “Wazamae Library”.
Store information

Wazamae Library